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The Rise of the AI Co-Pilot:
Lessons for Design from Aviation and Beyond
Article written by Abigail Sellen and Eric Horvitz. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Abigail Sellen, Lab Director of Microsoft Research Cambridge; and Eric Horvitz, CSO of Microsoft, to discuss how the co-pilot is an important metaphor within computer science in that it captures important distinctions about humans being the pilot and AI systems being the co-pilot, subservient to the humans. We'll learn how AI can be helpful, come forward, alert, take over some responsibilities, and be given responsibilities, but it is ultimately the human who oversees as pilot - who grants responsibility, who is accountable, and who understands and guides when and how the co-pilot is used.

Nand to Tetris:
Building a Modern Computer System from First Principles
Article written by Shimon Schocken. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Shimon Schocken, founding Dean of the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science at Reichman University, to discover a comprehensive educational journey that takes students from understanding the basic Nand gate to constructing a complete computer system that can run games like Tetris. It integrates themes from computer architecture, compilation, and software engineering into a single course, utilizing a series of twelve projects., all of which are freely available in open source.

The Science of Detecting LLM-Generated TextArticle written by Ruixiang Tang, Yu-Neng Chuang, and Xia Hu. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Ruixiang Tang at Rice University to discover the intricacies of detecting LLM-generated text. We'll explore different detection methods (such as white box vs black box detection) and investigate challenges posed by open-source LLMs, while gaining valuable insights into the dynamic field of natural language processing.

10 Things Software Developers Should Learn About LearningArticle written by Neil C. C. Brown, Felienne F. J. Hermans, and Lauren E. Margulieux. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Lauren Margulieux at Georgia State University to delve into the understanding of how human memory and learning work, explore the disparities between beginners and experts, and uncover practical steps developers can implement to enhance their learning, training, and recruitment efforts.

On Being a Computer Science CommunicatorArticle written by Sheldon H. Jacobson. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Sheldon Jacobson at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to discuss effective strategies for communicating complex computer science concepts to diverse audiences, while exploring the future of technology and society as a comingling component.

Barbershop ComputingArticle written by Madison C. Allen Kuyenga, Theodore S. Ransaw, Michael Lachney, Eleanor R. Glover Gladney, Marwin McKnight, Dominick Sanders, and Aman Yadav. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Madison C. Allen Kuyenga, Theodore S. Ransaw, and Michael Lachney, to discuss tackling the underrepresentation of black boys within computer science by leveraging the rich social and cultural fabric of black barbershops.

A Computational Inflection for Scientific DiscoveryArticle written by Tom Hope, Doug Downey, Oren Etzioni, Daniel S. Weld, and Eric Horvitz. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Tom Hope, Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for AI and Assistant Professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, to discuss their vision of building AI systems that augment and scale scientific discovery, helping scientists and researchers do better science using AI.

Should Robots Have Rights or Rites?Article written by Tae Wan Kim and Alan Strudler. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Tae Wan Kim, Associate Professor of Business Ethics at Carnegie Mellon University, to discuss how the belief system Confucianism can be used to think about future interactions with robots, and how robots and humans can collaborate together with a common goal, rather than having an adversarial relationship.

Toward Practices for Human-Centered Machine LearningArticle written by Stevie Chancellor. Video produced by A Way of Life Media and published by The Communications of the ACM. Join us as we sit down with Stevie Chancellor, Assistant Professor in The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota, to discuss how creating a machine learning dataset based on specific types of data inherently incorporate societal biases, and how the emerging field of human-centered machine learning seeks to reconcile technological capabilities with human values and needs.

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